Emily Moore

Emily Moore

Reiki Master | Amp Coil Ambassador

We are often asked, "What is your purpose, and what do you want to do with that knowledge?" Since I was young, I knew that working with people and providing a source of compassion and comfort fueled my fire. I have been a business owner since I was 21, and no matter what route I have chosen to build, the universe has always guided me back to nurturing others through healing modalities. I was first introduced to Reiki before unforeseen life-changing events. I initially heard about Reiki through a friend, and my curious mind was intrigued enough to book my first appointment. 

My first appointment was with Reiki Master Bonnie Buddin, who regularly interviews patients before agreeing to engage in energy work. She offered some powerful insight during our appointment that didn't connect until years after our first encounter. She said I would eventually study Reiki, leave my current company, and likely go through a divorce. Admittedly, I brushed that all off, but the Reiki appointment left me intrigued and a lifetime fan of this method of healing. 

Years later, I realized that she was a messenger put on my path to plant the seed. All of the things she mentioned became my truth, and I later began my journey to become certified in Usui and Tibetan Reiki. 

In 2017, I married the love of my life and was pregnant with my first child. While in my womb, Saige and I completed level II of Reiki training with Bonnie. Because of this beautiful experience, Saige has continued to study Reiki, and we have engaged in Mommy and Me Reiki classes.

Life happened after having my first child, and I didn't practice as much as I had hoped. I was also running an IT and Marketing company while navigating the uncharted waters of having a first baby. After having our second child in 2019, I was called to return to Reiki for my healing and continued studies. The universe connected me with another teacher, Reiki Master Elise Lasko. Because it had been a few years, I decided to start over with my studies and eventually completed all levels as a master student.

Postpartum and health issues arose after my son was born, and I was eventually diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease that affected my reproductive health. I visited a traditional doctor who wanted to prescribe a heavy dose of steroids. I decided to return to my roots of healing through natural plants, energy, and technology. I would often wake up in the middle of the night with information downloads, and through that, I learned that I had hormonal imbalances due to my breast implants and long-term nursing. In addition to the downloads, friends would randomly reach out with powerful details crucial to my continued healing. There's no doubt in my mind that my guardian angels were orchestrating this symphony. 

One of the most profound calls was with my good friend, and owner of Oriental Herb Co. Jennifer battled Lyme Disease caused by mold toxicity. Like me, Jennifer didn't take her diagnosis as an end-all-be-all. She continued investigating, taking her immune-boosting herbs and purchased an Amp Coil. Because of her persistence to return to health, she has made huge strides. During our call, I mentioned that I had a horrible UTI. She immediately asked me to come over and try this life-changing technology, the Amp Coil, that she used to heal her body. I arrived, and she graciously offered to provide acupuncture in addition to my session. After one acupuncture treatment and a harmonizing Amp Coil journey, my symptoms were gone. 

The rest was history for me, as I knew this was a divine message I couldn't ignore. This experience taught me the importance of banding together as a community to create a healthy and happy life! Together we can do so much!

The spiritual healing art of Reiki works by channeling positive energy into the body by placing hands on affected areas where the body's natural healing process then takes the energy where it is most needed. There are four different energy bodies that Reiki works to bring healing to: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. As hands-on touch is applied with Reiki to the physical body, it can also healing to the other energy bodies that extend beyond what can be physically seen.

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